Elevating the Helmet Therapy Conversation
Since 2013, Veteran Empowerment Through Motorsports (DBA VETMotorsports) has positioned itself as the leading military/veteran-based non-profit organization that provides non-clinical therapy opportunities via motorsports activities. Working at the community level with our partners, we have created a positive impact and life-changing experiences for those attending.
“Thrilling as I bought a sports car to enjoy. VETMotorsports let me learn how to drive it in a controlled environment.”
Pivoting our Efforts
VETMotorsports has had tremendous success over 10 years. In 2022 alone, we placed over 65 participants in events ranging from Woman Veterans on Track, hand-control race car programming, behind-the-wheel events and pit crew opportunities. Following the withdrawal from Iraq & Afghanistan, the veteran and military personnel landscape has changed. We have also seen competitive organizations copy our outreach model and crowd the non-profit space. Consequently, VETMotorsorts will be pivoting to larger, annual events that combine the civilian and veteran communities at sanctioned events that provide a space for both to connect.
“I had an absolute blast, and am looking forward to getting into the sport more regularly.”
“Stand Down” Based Events
What is a “Stand Down”? Many of you may know, but for the those that are unaware The Department of Veterans Affairs describes a “Stand Down” as a “typical one to three-day event during which VA staff and volunteers provide food, clothing, and health screenings to homeless and at-risk Veterans. Additionally, Veterans also receive referrals for health care, housing solutions, employment, substance use treatment, mental health counseling, and other essential services.”
Introducing “Helmets-Horsepower-Heroes”
Using this as a model, VETMotorsports plans on bringing “Stand Down” style events to our collaborators in 2023. We will discontinue our autocross, pit crew, and small event participation and focus on coordinating “Helmets-Horsepower-Heroes”. These events will provide larger focused outreach events, once a year, to engage the clubs, non-profits, and veteran service organization (VSO) community.
What Does this Mean for Participants & Volunteers?
VETMotorsports will offer limited behind the wheel opportunities at our “Helmet-Horsepower-Heroes” events. We will no longer be providing vehicles for events or daily meal per diems. For qualifying participants VETMotorsports will continue to provide our car provided hand-control car program, 2-seat IndyCar Rides, and on-track/behind the wheel experiences where the participant will use their own car. For our volunteers, we are working with them to determine the best use of their time and energy.
Where Will These Events be Taking Place?
VETMotorsports will be collaborating with all our existing partners to determine which clubs and dates work best with our volunteer staff. All events will be posted via our Eventbright link: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/vetmotorsportsorg-14851236000
How Can I Help?
Promoting our events at the grassroots level has been the key to our success. At the minimum, we want all our Alumni to continue to promote our “Helmet Therapy” programs. VETMotorsports continues to seek those wanting lead peer lead programs, donors, and clubs wanting to support the military and veteran community through motorsports.
As the leading military/veteran-based non-profit organization that provides non-clinical therapy opportunities via motorsports activities, VETMotorsports is excited to move forward with our veteran “Stand Down” concept in 2023. These events will provide larger focused outreach events, once a year, to engage the clubs, non-profits, and veteran service organization (VSO) community. VETMotorsports will be engaging directly with clubs wanting to promote veteran welfare and well-being. We encourage you to join us, or to reach out if you have any questions.
Peter Cline | CEO & Founder