SCCA Foundation Board of Directors
Wednesday, August 23, 2023 8:00 PM Eastern Time


Directors: Jeff Jacobs (Chair); Arnie Coleman (Exec. Dir.); Raleigh Boreen, Jim Weidenbaum, Bob Eddy (Archives); Howard Duncan

Invited: Jeff Dahnert (SCCA, Finance); Melanie Murray (TRSS Coordinator); Peter Schneider (BOD Liaison); Velma Boreen (Minutes); Kristen Poole (SCCA Marketing)

Meeting was called to order at 8:05 PM Eastern Time.

A motion was made by Raleigh, seconded by Howard, to approve the July meeting minutes.  Motion passed.

The minutes for July will be forwarded to Rachel to post on the SCCA Foundation website.


Jeff provided the committee with a report through the end of July.

  • Payment was made to SCCA for the Learning Management System and the IMRRC. These are expenses that are part of the yearly budget and contract between the two entities and the SCCA Foundation.

  • Revenue for the Corvette has been received by SCCA.

  • Member renewal/contributions are typically a bit lower during the middle of the year due to many memberships that come due at the beginning of the year.

  • There will be donations from Solo Nationals for the tire cleaning area and the test and tune course.

  • There will be two additional quarters for the Region Development Grant program to be paid out.

Motion was made by Howard, seconded by Jim to approve the financial report. Motion passed.


Executive Committee

Work continues on a source for another round of loaner helmets and a concerted effort will be put in after the championship season is complete.

  • OG can replicate what Holley did in the past but they typically don’t stock helmets in the quantity that Holley did.

The Corvette will be picked up after Solo Nationals and delivered to Tim.

  • Corvette has been paid for and Raleigh has retained the paperwork until the car is ready to go.

  • Raleigh will submit an invoice for the cost of the appraisal.

  • Articles will appear in Tim’s magazines as the work progresses on the Corvette.

The SCCA Foundation display is ready for Solo Nationals and for the Runoffs.

  • There will be two pop-ups for Foundation usage along with any marketing material that is available at both of these events.  A video loop on TRSS is also available and will be used at both events.

The 2024 SCCA National convention dates have been announced and the SCCA Foundation has reserved 5 sessions.

  • About the SCCA Foundation, Tire Rack Street Survival, Women on Track, Legacy and the SCCA Archives are the subjects to be discussed.

Tire Rack Street Survival

Melanie reports that the program is doing well.

  • 10 schools complete, 11 schools scheduled.

  • South Carolina has submitted information to Jeff and Arnie for help with the funding of their school in November.  That request will be reviewed.

  • Melanie has a Zoom call set up with Puerto Rico to discuss the school they want to do on December 9th.

  • Mississippi is interested in hosting a school.

  • Continue to work with BMW regarding funds from them for schools that have already taken place.

    • Melanie will check with Jeff Dahnert to verify the Regions that have been paid and those that still need to be reimbursed.

  • Will ask Phillip Royal to list members who have donated to the SCCA Foundation, specifically for TRSS.

  • Issue with online minor waiver form completion continues to be an issue.

    • Check to see how BMW and Porsche clubs handle the minor waiver situation.

    • Discuss with SCCA National staff.

  • Gift card reimbursement has taken place.

  • The idea of including a return label with the supplies that are sent out to get back anything that a Region doesn’t use was suggested by Tim Beechuk.There will be new brochures for the SCCA Foundation, Tire Rack Street Survival, program description, past issues of SportsCar

Fundraising Committee

June report – donations continue to be very good.

Sweepstakes for the Hendrick package was closed on August 20th with the drawing taking place on August 28th.

Based on the success that the IMRRC has had with the past two years, SCCA Foundation is considering a car raffle for 2024. This would need to run 9 months. Details at a future meeting.

Also under consideration is an Ultimate Sim Racing Rig.

  • If this is something the Foundation wants to try, the Foundation would not have to pay for it or order it unless the sweepstakes reaches a minimum level of donations.

Next raffle is scheduled to start in the winter of 2024.

Communications Committee

Legacy Society

  • Work continues on this project.

  • May pull in Brian Bielanski and his podcasts.

FIA Green Light/SCCA Enterprises

  • Discussion continues on how to best handle this project.

  • SCCA Inc. will not pursue until processes decided.

SportsCar articles will include Solo Nationals and SCCA Foundation involvement.

  • Deadlines are needed through the end of the year.


IMRRC is getting closer to a full-time archivist to replace Jenny.

Summary of the Saturday, August 19th meeting with the IMRRC board was distributed to the SCCA Foundation board.

Bob will also write up a summary of the Thursday meeting with Joe and Rick.

  • Driver files are still being worked on.

  • Video and film are the next project. Joe and Rick have indicated that they will need shelving for that project.

  • Need to encourage Regions to share newsletters, results, etc. with the IMRRC.

    • During Region Zoom calls, ask Abby to share with the Regions this information.

  • Raleigh shared Rocky’s book of Solo Stats with Joe and Rick.

    • Will purchase one after the 50th running so they have a hard copy as well.

Friday evening dinner for Richard Childress was very good. 

  • Approximately 140 people were in attendance.

Arnie Coleman will be working with Patty Sherod to sort through Dan’s SCCA information and see what should be passed along to the IMRRC.

Women on Track

Women participation at the ProSolo Finale is at 20%, which is higher than it has been in years past.

Plans for the rest of the championship events are coming together.

Region Development Grants

Raleigh and Bob are unable to see the Survey Monkey results.

  • Kristen will take care of this to make sure that can be corrected.

2 completed grants have been received for the 3rd quarter.

  • Zoom call will take place soon to decide.

VETMotorsports and Formula SAE

FSAE is finalizing the 2024 dates.

VMS is having good success with local events and Vets using their own vehicles.

  • There are special events that will take place around Veteran’s Day in November.

  • Pete’s group has been more focused this year and he will put together a proposal for 2024.

  • The success in Texas has been very good.


Old Business

Work continues to establish a committee to work with the Museum of American Speed (MAS) and SCCA.

  • Currently the committee consists of Raleigh and Bob from the SCCA Foundation committee and Jack Burrows, Clay Turner, Jeff Zurschmeide and Mark Weber from the SCCA Board of Directors.

  • IMRRC is aware of the contract between SCCA and MAS.

    • They will visit MAS in the next 6-8 months.

  • Need to formalize the agreement between SCCA, Inc., the SCCA Foundation and MAS.

  • A meeting is tentatively planned on 9-5 at MAS with Bob, Raleigh, Clay Turner and if there are other BOD members at Solo Nationals.

New Business

Howard has files that may be of interest to the SCCA Foundation board and the marketing department at SCCA

  • He will get these items to Solo Nationals to pass off to Kristen Poole.

Next meeting will be September 21, 2023 at 8 PM ET

Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM Eastern Time.



September 2023 Board Meeting Minutes


July 2023 Board Meeting Minutes