SCCA Foundation Board of Directors
Thursday, February 17, 2022 @ 8:00PM Eastern Time

DIRECTORS: Jeff Jacobs (Chair), Arnie Coleman (Exec. Dir.), Carla Russo (Treas.) Raleigh Boreen, Bob Eddy, Tere Pulliam, Jim Weidenbaum

INVITED: Lyn Hodges Watts, (BOD) Liaison Jeff Dahnert (SCCA), Jeff Zurschmeide (BOD Liaison), Velma Boreen (Minutes), Kristen Poole (SCCA, Communications), Chris Robbins (SCCA)

Meeting was called to order at 8:04PM Eastern Time

Motion to approve the January minutes was motioned by Jeff, 2nd by Bob. Motion passed.


  • Report for end of November

  • Donation from Rick Taylor will be made in 2022

  • All of the helmets from the original order are sold

  • Year end financials should be available soon

  • New hires in the office should allow for more current financial reports


Chris Robins - Learning Management Systems  
Initial start-up funded through grants

  • Multi-year process will continue to have costs to keep up and running

    • Still a need for training, with funding and timing being an issue

    • Need consistency in training and LMS provides this consistency

    • Training development committee is set up with FIA helping

    • Grant from FIA is in two parts

      • SCCA has received 40%, with 60% paid when LMS is in place completely

    • Need to improve quality and quantity of the training

      • Make training to all SCCA members feel like a benefit

    • SCCA Academy to credit ACCUS, FIA at end of training video

    • Chris is working to hire a new person to help with LMS

      • SCCA Foundation will pay the balance of the $50,000 in 2022A motion was made by Bob, seconded by Tere, to approve the funding for this project in two payments of $25,000, for a total of $50,000 – one in the first quarter and one in the third quarter of 2022.Motion passed.      

Regional Development Fund
Arnie and Jeff are working on the framework for helping Regions financially

  • TNiA grant is being used as a model 


Good results on donations

  • Push to members that a donation can be made when they renew their membership

  • Donations can also be set up on those members that choose autorenewal for their membership

  • “Anniversary” letters are going to members who have made donations in the past year, thanking them and asking them to donate again

Working with Mike Cobb on 2022 sweepstakes

  • Kristen Poole will work on this communication



  • SportsCar article received positive feedback

  • Website looks nice and clean – easy to navigate

  • New content is always appreciated and needed

  • Showcase VETMotorsports, TRSS and WoT

SCCA Foundation should be mentioned on the SCCA website

  • Arnie will get information to Kristen Poole and her group will take it from there

  • Perhaps a link between the SCCA website and the SCCA Foundation website


Discussion took place regarding the ability of Scott to continue with TRSS in the same manner as he has in the past, considering his new position with SCCA

  • Scott will continue working to recruit new Regions to host TRSS

  • Heyward Wagner and Rick Myers will reach out to hire a Street Survival Administrative Support staff to help support TRSS program

    • This person would be available to help with online sanctions, digital waivers, any other details that may arise

    • Will need to provide clarity on what is required from this new hire

    • A motion was made by Carla, seconded by Bob that the Foundation fund $1,000 per month for the addition of an Administrative Support Person to the Tire Rack Street Survival Program effective March 1, 2022 through October 31, 2022 with the right to extend on a month-to-month basis, as needed, through December 31, 2022.  Motion passed.

  • 2022 will be rebuilding year for the program


  • The convention presentation by Bob and Jenny was very good

  • Mark Stagenwald is the new IMRRC director

  • Bob is working with George Bloeser, Philly Region, to get Oscar Kovalevski memorabilia to the IMRRC

  • Archives that are located in Topeka in 801 will be picked up in May and over the summer taken to the IMRRC

  • Update on the website to remind Regions that have any history information how they can get these items to the IMRRC


Tere was on Zoom call on Feb. 1st

  • Plans for March Women in SCCA History bios discussed

    • Bios will be posted on WoT Facebook page, Foundation website

    • Article in Sports Car – Sydney has been in contact with Paul Pfannner

    • 2,000 WoT decals have been orderedStorms and Velma Boreen

VETMotorsports and FORMULA SAE

  • VETMotorsports preparing for the season

    • List of events that the SCCA Camaro will be available given to them

  • Discussed the funding of the VETMotorsports program

    • Agreed that better accounting, reconciliation and justification need to be made

    • It’s been difficult to get good accounting from VETMotorsports

  • VETMotorsports being encouraged to get involved with Track Night in America

    • Decision was made that they will only participate in this program with the vehicle that they own – the SCCA Camaro would not be available for this program

    • Waiting to hear back from John Hunter or Jon Krolewicz regarding a reduced or free entry for TNiA

  • FSAE will have two competitions in 2022, both in Michigan

    • The SCCA trailer will be at both of the events in Michigan, with SCCA being paid for use of the trailer and getting it there.  Detroit Region is working the events

      • Currently there are 107 teams signed up for the May 18-21 event and 46 teams signed up for the June 15-18 event

    • There is still concern regarding out-of-country teams being able to attend

    • The Caroll Smith Award will be given at the IC event 


  • Thank you again to all who made presentations during the convention


  • Question about Frank Schwartz’ involvement with the Foundation board

    • His work commitments make it very difficult for him to attend

  • One to two additional people are needed on the Foundation board

    • Bob has a person in mind that he will approach

  • SCCA Foundation Business Cards

    • Kristen Poole can help with this

    • Bob will get her the information he would like on his card

  • Loaner helmet program

    • This program was very successful last year

    • Regional Executives were sent an email to gauge interest in offering this program again in 2022

      • Arnie will get a quote on 198 helmets and also 402 helmets

      • Prices may be a bit higher but there will be no artwork this time

      • The helmets will be Race Quip SA 2020 helmets

A motion was made by Bob, seconded by Tere to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 pm ET. Motion passed

Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 17 at 8 PM ET.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00PM Eastern Time.

Minutes by Velma Boreen for the Board.


March 2022 Board Meeting Minutes


Jan. 2022 Board Meeting Minutes