SCCA Foundation Board of Directors
Thursday, March 17, 2022 @ 8:00PM Eastern Time

DIRECTORS: Jeff Jacobs (Chair), Arnie Coleman (Exec. Dir.), Raleigh Boreen, Tere Pulliam, Jim Weidenbaum

INVITED: Lyn Hodges Watts, (BOD) Liaison, Jeff Dahnert (SCCCA, Finance), Kristen Poole (SCCA, Communications), Velma Boreen (Minutes)

Meeting was called to order at 8:03 PM Eastern Time

Motion to approve the December minutes was motioned by Tere, 2nd by Jim. Motion passed.


  • New report sent to all members

    • This includes all contributions, funds spent on various programs, member and non-member donations

  • Donations continue to be good

  • Raleigh moved to approved the financial report, Tere seconded. Financial report accepted.


Loaner helmet program will be offered again to Regions

  • 204 helmets will be ordered

  • There has been a price increase so the fee to the Regions will be $100, with the SCCA Foundation picking up the difference of $43 per helmet

  • Several Regions have indicated an interest in obtaining helmets

  • Any left will be available for SCCA to sell to Regions through the Region Merchandise page

  • A motion was made by Jim, seconded by Raleigh to approve the purchase of 204 helmets. Motion passed

  • Arnie will put a contract together and will proceed.

    • It may be summer before these helmets will be in SCCA’s hands

Region Development Grant Program

  • Arnie will be the point of contact for Regional Development Grant Program (hereafter known as RDGP)

  • A procedural document will be sent to Inc. (Chris and Rick)

  • Aim for 3rd quarter of 2022 to begin accepting nominations

  • A motion was made by Jeff, seconded by Raleigh to adopt the Regional Development Grant Program. Motion passed.


Mike Cobb has received positive feedback from the ACCUS meeting regarding sweepstakes for SCCA

  • COTA is still a possibility

    • George with ACCUS would like to keep this sweepstakes “in house’ with SCCA

  • IMSA – raise funds to help with worker training and recruitment.

  • Some additional ideas for sweepstakes

    • 24 Hours of Daytona package 2023

    • Las Vegas oriented trip, tied in with the 2023 SCCA National Convention

      • Penske Ferrari Dealership

      • Ron Fellows Spring Mountain

      • Shelby Factory Tour

      • Talk with Las Vegas Region members regarding other places of interest`

    • Still working with John Doonan on what IMSA may be able to offer



  • Getting looks with the Women On Track article, VETMotorsports

    • Kristen Poole can help with website as well

    • Will work to get cross pollination between the SCCA website and the SCCA Foundation website

    • The Women On Track button doesn’t work on a cell phone. That issue will be resolved


Schools are opening up

  • Work is still in process to bring Ryan Cheek on board


Bob will be going to Topeka in May to gather information to be taken to IMRRC

  • Arnie will be helping Bob

  • Any material that is in jeopardy of deteriorating (i.e., video tapes, etc.) will be dealt with in a timely manner

    • IMRRC may not have the equipment to transfer or digitize these videos from one format to another.  Bob will verify when the items are taken to IMRRC later this year.

“Car” at 801

  • Discussion took place about finding out exactly who with SCCA this belongs to.  Perhaps they would be interested in donating it to a group/school to work on.  


Showcase of SCCA women for March is going well

  • Lots of good comments and shares

  • Will continue adding to the list for 2023 and beyond

VETMotorsports and FORMULA SAE

Raleigh is working to get more accountability from the VETMotorsports group

  • A contract is being put together

    • 2nd and 4th quarter will be when funds are given to VETMotorports

  • Working on dates that the SCCA Camaro will be used by VETMotorsports

    • Rick Myers will offer 2 free entries to any national event for VETMotorsports

Raleigh has had conference call with the VETMotorsports group regarding leveraging that group to get on military bases

  • Zane Brown on the VETMotorsports committee is well connected and a great asset in this process

Heyward Wagner has offered a reduced fee for Track Night in America for VETMotorsports but they will use their own car

Formula SAE will have 2 events in Michigan and the Michigan International Speedway

  • The Carroll Smith Award will be given at the IC event in May.


The Howard Duncan ProSolo Green Light program

  • The first ProSolo is this next weekend in Beeville, Texas

  • No recipient selected

  • Need to follow-up on how to proceed

    • Perhaps have the event chair chose 2 free entries


There was no new business

Next meeting is Thursday, April 21, 2022 at 8 PM Eastern Time.

Meeting adjourned at 9:21 PM Eastern Time.



April 2022 Board Meeting Minutes


Feb. 2022 Board Meeting Minutes