SCCA Foundation Board of Directors
Thursday, May 18, 2023 8:00 PM Eastern Time


Directors: Jeff Jacobs (Chair), Arnie Coleman (Exec. Dir.), Raleigh Boreen, Jim Weidenbaum, Bob Eddy (Archives), Tere Pulliam, Howard Duncan

Invited: Kristen Poole (SCCA, Comms); Jeff Dahnert (SCCA, Finance); Melanie Murray (TRSS Coordinator); Peter Schneider (BOD Liaison); Velma Boreen (Minutes),

Meeting was called to order at 8:04 PM Eastern Time.

A motion was made by Jim, seconded by Tere, to approve the April meeting minutes. Peter requested a typo error correction be made. That correction will be made prior to publishing the April meeting minutes. Amended motion passed.

The minutes for April will be forwarded to Rachel to post on the SCCA Foundation website.


Jeff Dahnert was able to provide a financial report through the end of April.

  • Discussed the cash balance and how that is handled.

    • There is a Federated Fund that pays 4% and cash balances are swept in as needed.

    • There are no fees attached to funds sweeps.

    • Will continue with the Federated Fund rather than CDs.

  • Mazda contract has not yet been finalized so reimbursement of $1500 scholarship is still pending.

    • Motion was made by Raleigh, seconded by Tere to accept the financial report.  Motion passed.


Legacy Giving Program

  • Working with Rachel to get this program posted on the SCCA Foundation website.

  • Kristen currently is working on a Legacy Giving logo.

Region Development Grant

  • No grants will be given out for first quarter 2023 pending updated materials based on guidance from legal counsel regarding compliant use of Foundation funds.

  • Will need to make sure that Regions understand what is needed and required from them when applying for a grant.

  • Request that Abby Scher discuss with the Regions the opportunity for these grants and what will be expected of them.  Perhaps hold a Town Hall? 

Tire Rack Street Survival

  • Melanie reports that the program is doing well

    • 4 schools complete, 11 ready to go, 3 pending (Atlanta, Nebraska, So. Carolina)

    • 2019: 45 schools – 2020: 6 schools – 2021: 14 schools – 2022: 16 schools

  • Zoom call with Aimee and Abby re: minor waiver issues and supplies

    • SCCA handles supplies for SCCA schools

    • BMW/Porsche schools receive supplies from BMWCCA Foundation staff and they have offered to handle SCCA hosted schools for a fee.

    • We prefer handling the distribution of supplies to SCCA hosted schools rather than have the BMWCCA Foundation staff do it.

  • Working on what goes on the website related to TRSS

  • Melanie will be working on any edits on the audit forms from Regions after they host school

  • Melanie is following up with Scott Dobler regarding the Amazon gift cards to see what we can do to wrap up that program

  • TRSS presence at the Runoffs?

    • Arnie will be at the Runoffs so there is no need for Melanie to attend

  • TRSS Summit

    • Arnie working with BMW to schedule a virtual Summit

      • Melanie has the 2020 session and will send to Arnie

      • Will share cost of getting tire gauges with BMW


  • Sweepstakes open and funds coming in

  • Direct email to those who have entered past sweepstakes.

    • Info also on the website and in Kerry Speed.

  • Discussed possibly awarding SCCA lifetime memberships to Rick Hendrick and/or Jeff Gordon for their donation of the Sweepstakes prize, similar to recognition we gave to Jay Leno for the garage tour he donated.

  • Wilma and Costa Dunias are donating their 1965 Corvette to the SCCA Foundation.

    • Sell?  Raffle?  Bring A Trailer?  Mecum Auction?  Various possibilities of how the sale of the car can be handled.

    • Arnie shared pictures that he received from Wilma and Costa

    • Discussed a few options to get it valued, cleaned up and ready for resale


  • No movement yet on legacy stories.

    • Jim will be contacting Registrars to get names and help from them

  • Material is needed for the next SportsCar

  • Velma mentioned the Paula Murphy display at the Peterson Museum on 5-24.


  • IMRRC has begun the search for a new archivist.

  • The SCCA Foundation budget had allotted an additional $4,000 for 2023 to allow Rick and Joe to work an additional 5 hours per week on the SCCA archives.  This would cover April, May and June.  Those funds have been received by the IMRRC.

  • Discussed the August and September gatherings in Watkins Glen.

    • The August gathering is when the Cameron Argetsinger Award is presented and that date is 8-18.

    • The September gathering is to celebrate 25 years of the IMRRC with an open house.  That date is 9-30.

      • Bob has reservations at the Harbor Hotel for those two weekends but will need to know who from the Foundation will be able to attend.  Jeff, Bob, Raleigh and Velma have put their names in the hat for the August event.

      • The September gathering may also be the time that the official “New Location” fund raising campaign is kicked off. Jeff being closest to the IMRRC will represent the Foundation at the September event.


  • May 2nd Zoom call went well

  • The Wendi Allen Scholarship Fund recipients were announced and the funds have been distributed to those three women.

  • Applications for the Road Racing Scholarships were reviewed by Cherie Storms and her committee.  The two women chosen to receive those scholarships are Jennifer Bradford and Emily Oswald.

  • A Time Trials committee is now in place and will be working on scholarship applications in the next couple of weeks.

  • Will work on getting information to Jim to post on website regarding the women who are receiving the scholarships.

  • Next call is June 6th.  


  • A reminder article has been sent out for the 2nd quarter 2023 grant requests.

    • Updated criteria language has been included in accordance with legal advice for tax status compliance.

    • Have received 10 applications for the 2nd quarter, with four of them being “complete”. Arnie works with applicants who provide incomplete info to help them finish if needed. Some may start the form just to see what all the information needs are and then finish the application in a later round.

    • Committee will make final decisions the 3rd week in June.

  • 2022 4th quarter grant applications were reviewed with regions and amended and resubmitted as needed.  Funds have been distributed.     

VETMotorsports and FORMULA SAE

  • VETMotorsports will be involved with 7 events during 2023.

    • They are working on a special Veterans Day event in the fall.

  • Two Formula SAE events on the calendar for 2023.

    • Clancy Schmidt delivered an SCCA trailer to IMS for the May FSAE competition.  SCCA will be providing a trailer for both of the event in Michigan.

    • The Carroll Smith Award will be presented at the June FSAE competition.  Dayle Frame will be approached re: attending the June competition to present the check and the trophy to the Carroll Smith Award winner.  Raleigh received the check from Clancy and Howard will be working on the keeper award for the winner.


  • Four vehicles have been delivered to the Museum of American Speed (MAS) in Lincoln, NE.

    • This 50th running of Solo Nationals will be the first display at MAS.

    • There is a signed contract between MAS and SCCA, Inc. for a 10–12-year commitment of permanent displays.

    • The displays would change every 14-18 months.

    • Mike Cobb and Heyward Wagner would like the SCCA Foundation to be in charge of a committee to work with the Board of Directors for the next display.

    • Work to get members from across all disciplines with SCCA to help with ideas for future displays.

      • 80th Anniversary of SCCA?

      • Can/Am - Trans Am Racing?

  • Bob is interested in being the liaison between IMRRC and SCCA Foundation in regards to this project.

    • Discussed the SCCA Foundation Canopy

    • Howard has done further checking into a canopy for the Foundation

      • The price is $2200 for an upgraded canopy

      • Motion was made by Howard, seconded by Raleigh to approve this new price for the canopy.  Motion passed.

  • Discussion Hall of Fame potentially being housed at MAS in Lincoln

    • Still on our to-do list

    • Stay as part of the committee for MAS

    • Peter Schneider and Raleigh to head up this future discussion.



Next call is Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 7:30 PM Eastern Time.

Meeting adjourned at 9:35 Eastern Time.



June 2023 Board Meeting Minutes


April 2023 Board Meeting Minutes