SCCA Foundation Board of Directors
Thursday, April 20, 2023 8:00 PM Eastern Time


Directors: Jeff Jacobs (Chair), Arnie Coleman (Exec. Dir.), Raleigh Boreen, Jim Weidenbaum, Bob Eddy (Archives), Tere Pulliam, Howard Duncan

Invited: Melanie Murray (TRSS Coordinator); Peter Schneider (BOD Liaison); Velma Boreen (Minutes)

Meeting was called to order at 8:02 PM Eastern Time.

A motion was made by Jim to approve the March meeting minutes, seconded by Bob.  Motion passed.

The minutes for March will be forwarded to Rachel to post on the SCCA Foundation website.


Jeff Dahnert was unable to be on this call but financials were sent to all members prior to the meeting

  • Donations to the Foundation continue to be on track.

  • Motion made by Bob, seconded by Howard to accept the financial report.  Motion passed.


Discussed Conflict of Interest Policy

  • Updated draft policy for the Foundation was forwarded to all members of the Foundation committee prior to the meeting. This policy was prepared by and reviewed with outside counsel who handles our charitable fundraising filings in states where doing so is required.

  • Is there a conflict of interest when a member of the Foundation board receives reimbursement from SCCA, Inc. for services? No because they are doing so in a separate capacity as contractors to SCCA Inc not to the Foundation.

  • Motion by Jeff, seconded by Tere to adopt the new Conflict of Interest Policy. Motion passed

Legacy Giving was discussed

  • Jeff is working with Kristen Poole on a logo and website updates for the Legacy Giving program

Region Development Grant

  • No grants will be given out for first quarter 2023 pending updated materials based on guidance from legal counsel regarding compliant use of Foundation funds.

  • Will need to make sure that Regions understand what is needed and required from them when applying for a grant.

  • Request that Abby Scher discuss with the Regions the opportunity for these grants and what will be expected of them.  Perhaps hold a Town Hall? 


March donations report was shared. 353 donations totaling $8,187.00.

2023 Sweepstakes Update

  • Hendricks Motorsports NASCAR Package

    • Winners will receive 4 crew shirts and hats, a tour of HMS facility and Rick Hendrick’s private collection and the NASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte on Friday.  Grandstand seating, VIP Club, Pit and Garage passes on Saturday.  VIP Club Tickets for the Road Course Race on Sunday.

    • Foundation will purchase the various tickets

    • Estimated cost is around $5,000.

    • Launch ticket sales in early May

    • Conduct the drawing at Solo Nationals in September

    • Permission to use Hendrick’s logo has been granted. Waiting on permission to use the track logo and the NASCAR logo.


Website/Sports Car

  • Sweepstakes information will be added to the SCCA Foundation website and in SportsCar.

  • Jim is working on an article for SportsCar regarding the Legacy stories. Those will also be on the website.

  • Suggestion was made to use the Foundation Facebook page to relate stories also

  • Article about the Museum of America Speed should be on the Facebook page and also the website.

  • Raleigh will submit an outline to Jim on the Museum of American Speed and the 10-12 year plans for SCCA displays.


Melanie gave an update on the Tire Rack Street Survival program:

  • 13 schools are currently on the schedule for 2023

  • 3 Regions are pending

  • 25-30 schools are the target for 2023

  • Nashville returning with schools in 2023 however they are not on the schedule.

  • Atlanta is interested in hosting an event – waiting for final answer from Heyward

  • Lake Superior Region is interested in possibly hosting a school in 2023. If not, they will aim for 2024. Their issue is the size of their Region. They may need financial help as well.

  • Region in Oregon held an event with 36 students. They may do another event yet this year.

  • Melanie reached out to 15 Regions. 2 indicated they want to host a school

Tire gauges have been given away to students in the past.

  • Currently there are 149 in stock.

  • Tim Beechuk is working to get 2,000 gauges donated.

Working on Liquid Molly as a sponsor for Street Survival.

Conversations with BMW have gone well.

  • The need to stay in touch is important.

Discussed the potential to have an online Summit to discuss curriculum.

  • Zoom Call? Whova App? SCCA LMAS system? What is the most efficient way to host a Summit? Arnie is gathering this information.

Discussed the potential to have the classroom portion of a weekend be online.

Jeff, Arnie and Melanie will meet before the next BMW call.

Funds from BMW CCA Foundation have been submitted to SCCA

  • These funds are to cover the schools that have already been reimbursed by SCCA for 2022.

The need to push to get schools on the schedule is important.

Article in SportsCar with Melanie’s family experience was well received.

Standardizing co-events with BMW CCA needs to be discussed with BMW.


IMRRC Update

  • Jenny Ambrose with the IMRRC has tendered her resignation. Her last day is April 28, 2023.

  • IMRRC will be looking for a new archivist.

  • The SCCA Archives work will continue with Rick and Joe.

  • They have a sufficient supply of boxes and files to get them through the rest of 2023.

  • The SCCA Foundation budget allotted an additional $4,000 for 2023 to allow Rick and Joe to work an additional 5 hours per week on the SCCA archives. This would cover April, May and June. A motion was made by Bob, seconded by Howard to submit $4,000 to the IMRRC. Motion passed. Jeff Jacobs will contact Jeff Dahnert to have a check sent to the IMRRC so that it is there by the end of next week before Jenny leaves.

  • There is a preliminary design on the new building in Watkins Glen. SCCA will be involved with the design on the SCCA portion. Capital campaign will start soon.


March bios for Women on Track were all very good

The April call went well with the Road Rally committee

Women on Track banners and patches have been ordered and are currently at SCCA.

  • Velma requested one for her and one for Linda Duncan.

  • Kathey Biehmel received one to use at the Driver’s School at Blackhawk Farms last weekend. She will continue to use at any event that she attends. 

  • Patches will be on the merchandise portion of the SCCA website.

Applications are being submitted for the Road Racing Scholarship

  • Cherie Storms will be checking with Andie Wolfe to verify what has been submitted to this point.

Next call is with the entire group.


Discussion regarding these applications.

  • Programs eligible for grants need meet the Foundation’s charitable purpose, generally meaning they must be educational or serve an underserved/disadvantaged community, or open to the public not just benefitting SCCA members.

  • First quarter had 10 grant requests submitted. Four of them fulfilled all of the requirements of the grant proposal. 

    • There were no grants given in the first quarter so the four that were acceptable will be rolled over into the 2nd quarter of 2023 and guidance provided to other applicants.

Discussed implications for “pubic benefit” in a membership oriented organization.

  • Using the various scholarship programs as an example, the nominations need to be open to the public not just SCCA members, but it is fine to require the award recipient to become a member in compliance with insurance and other event requirements. A weekend membership would qualify for a non-SCCA person involved with a grant.

  • There is a possibility of donating a full membership if needed.

  • Divisional meetings – offer sessions open to the public

VETMotorsports and FORMULA SAE

VETMotorsports will be involved with 7 events during 2023.

  • Regional and Divisional events will be what they are going to participate in

    • No need to provide a car for them – they will use their own vehicle

  • Raleigh will stay in touch with Pete Cline.

  • Two Formula SAE events on the calendar for 2023. 

    • SCCA will be providing a trailer to both of the events in Michigan

    • The Carroll Smith Award will be presented at the June FSAE competition. Clancy Schmidt will be there to make the award. Howard will take care of obtaining the trophy and get that to Clancy.  Jeff Dahnert will have the check be available for Clancy to take with him.


Velma requested information about the WASF funds and how they are/have been/will be distributed.

  • One of the recipients will be receiving funds from Mazda, not the SCCA Foundation.

  • Jeff will verify with Jeff Dahnert how this has been handled.

  • The SCCA Foundation needs to be acknowledged with this program.

Four vehicles have been delivered to the Museum of American Speed in Lincoln, NE.

  • They are currently in a holding area and will be ready for display during the Spring Nationals in Lincoln in May.

  • Raleigh discussed the expenses involved with the vehicles being transported to Lincoln.

    • Originally there was a budget of $2500 for this transport. The final expense for everyone involved is $3650. A motion was made by Raleigh, requesting that the SCCA Foundation agree to pay this additional $1150. Jim seconded. Motion passed. Raleigh will finalize the expenses and forward to Jeff Dahnert for reimbursement, with a copy to Jeff Jacobs.

Discussed the SCCA Foundation Canopy

  • Howard has been working with the same company he has used for several years on a 10x10 pop up to use during the 50th celebration display in the Danley Building at Solo Nationals.

    • This brand has proven to be very sturdy and the company has been easy to work with.

    • This Foundation pop-up can be used several times during the year if we receive it sooner rather than later.

    • Howard also checked the EZUP company that is part of our member benefits. He will touch base with Kristen Poole and they will hash out best options, as any marketing issues need to go through the marketing department.

    • Ultimately it would be nice to have an SCCA Foundation pop-up for each of the programs.

    • A motion was made by Jeff, seconded by Raleigh, to approve $1600 to obtain a 10x10 pop-up.  Motion passed.\

Discussion regarding printed material

  • There are tri-folds that are available at SCCA for members to order



Next call is Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 8 PM Eastern Time.

Meeting adjourned at 9:42 Eastern Time.



May 2023 Board Meeting Minutes


March 2023 Board Meeting Minutes