SCCA Foundation Board of Directors
Thursday, March 16, 2023 8:00 PM Eastern Time


Directors: Jeff Jacobs (Chair), Arnie Coleman (Exec. Dir.), Raleigh Boreen, Jim Weidenbaum, Bob Eddy (Archives), Tere Pulliam, Howard Duncan

Invited: Kristen Poole (SCCA, Comms); Jeff Dahnert (SCCA, Finance); Melanie Murray (TRSS Coordinator); Velma Boreen (Minutes),

Meeting was called to order at 8:02 PM Eastern Time.

A motion was made by Bob to approve the February meeting minutes, seconded by Raleigh.  Motion passed.

The minutes for February will be sent to Rachel to post on the SCCA Foundation website.


Jeff Dahnert reviewed the financial report, ending 1-31-23

  • Amazon gift cards for Tire Rack Street Survival schools

    • Will re-evaluate the need to keep these gift cards available

    • Melanie will check with Scott

    • These had been used in a variety of ways

    • Suggestion was made to give to wearables to organizers

  • Member donations to the SCCA Foundation as an add on to their annual membership renewal goes into the general fund and is a critical source of funding for the Foundation’s regular activities.

    • If a member wants to make a donation online at the same time as their membership renewal but wants it directed to a specific program, it is preferred that they make that donation through the SCCA Foundation website which allows for directed donations.

  • A discussion was held regarding what are the implications of donations decreasing more than planned through the year due to economic challenges generally:

    • The Foundation has a prudently-sized reserve is built up for such a contingency.

    • We could afford to meet our contractual financial obligations (SCCA Archives at the IMRRC, Street Survival, and certain key awards like the FSAE awards, Wendi Allen Scholarship, and Howard Duncan Greenlight Fund, for at least four years.

  • Motion made by Jim, seconded by Bob to accept the financial report. Motion passed.


Discussed Conflict of Interest Policy

  • Outside counsel that handles the Foundation’s state fundraising registrations has informed us that some states require that a nonprofit have a “Conflicts of Interest Policy” and that the policy be filed with the state. A draft policy for the Foundation was prepared by the attorney and discussed during the meeting. Jeff Jacobs was asked consult the attorney as to whether the policy can be simplified further, and to review it in comparison to any similar policy in the SCCA, Inc. Board governing documents.

Legacy Giving was discussed

  • Will continue to work on final wording, contribution amounts, possibility of a tiered program.  Everyone agreed the Legacy Giving name is a good choice.  Will discuss further at the April meeting as needed.

Region Development Grant

  • No grants will be given out for first quarter 2023 pending updated materials based on guidance from legal counsel regarding compliant use of Foundation funds.

  • Will need to make sure that Regions understand what is needed and required from them when applying for a grant.

  • Request that Abby Scher discuss with the Regions the opportunity for these grants and what will be expected of them.  Perhaps hold a Town Hall? 


February donations report was shared. 334 donations totaling $8,215.

2023 Sweepstakes Update

  • Hendricks Motorsports NASCAR Package

    • Scheduling for the special “meet and greet” opportunities are still in flux

    • Winners will receive 4 crew shirts and hats, a tour of HMS facility and Rick Hendrick’s private collection

    • Foundation will purchase the various tickets

    • Estimated cost is around $5,000.

    • Launch ticket sales mid-April to early May

    • Conduct the drawing at Solo Nationals in September


Website/Sports Car

  • Will work on getting news updated on the website

  • The language on various parts of the website needs to be reviewed for consistency.

  • Howard and Velma will send information to Jim to help update the website.


  • Melanie has attended the Divisional meetings that have taken place so far this year and has had good reception to the program

    • 11 schools are on the schedule for 2023

    • 3 Regions are pending

    • Nashville returning with schools in 2023

    • They need a lead instructor so Melanie will talk with Scott Dobler to see if he can help.

    • Melanie also needs classroom instructors.

  • Melanie has a list of all RE’s and will be contacting each one of the individually.

    • She will contact all Regions that have held schools in the past

  • She is working with Abby Scher to be included on the Zoom meetings that Abby has every quarter with the Regions.

    • Working on California Regions.

  • Heyward is working to contact Matt Edmunds at Tire Rack as the local region typically hold two or three schools there per year but has not been able to get a response for 2023.

  • When a Region runs a school one day and Solo the next day, they can receive a 50% discount on insurance. This is a one-time only program.


  • The IMRRC and charging to research information

    • The IMRRC is now charging non-SCCA members to look up information.

    • If an SCCA member calls with a request for information, they will take the name, Region of record and membership number. There will be no charge to SCCA members as of now.


The Wendi Allen Scholarship Fund

  • The three women chosen to receive the scholarships are:

    • Hailey Schmidt – Old Dominion and North Carolina Region. Hailey will receive the Mazda funds

    • Emily Skoglund – St. Louis

    • Emily Whitaker – Steel Cities

Women in History Month

  • This March, women in SCCA will again be highlighted on the SCCA website.  We have a list of 36 women to highlight. 

  • The WoT executive committee has restructured the calls and which groups are on each month.

  • Road Racing Scholarship applications are now being accepted.

    • Cherie Storms will be evaluating those applications.


This topic was covered in the Legal Counsel portion of the meeting.

VETMotorsports and FORMULA SAE

  • VETMotorsports will be involved with 4-6 events during 2023.

  • Two Formula SAE events on the calendar for 2023. 

    • SCCA will be providing a trailer to both of the events in Michigan


  • The schedule to deliver cars to the Museum of American Speed was discussed.

    • This will be the first of several 12-16 month SCCA displays that will be at the MAS for the next several years.

    • Raleigh and Velma will be delivering 3 cars in early April.

    • The fourth vehicle from Bob and Patty Tunnell will be delivered by them.

  • Discussed the display at the Danley Building at Solo Nationals

    • There will be an electric FSAE vehicle on display in the Danley Building at the Lincoln Airpark for Solo Nationals in September. This will be part of the “Decades of Solo Vehicles” display planned for the 50th running of Solo Nationals.

      • Raleigh talked with Dr. Bob Wood at the University of Texas-Arlington and received a commitment from him to have the UTA electric FSAE vehicle be part of that display.

  • Discussed the SCCA Foundation table in the Danley Building during Solo Nats.

    • Working on a pop-up and banner/feather flag.

      • Howard will work on a quote for the pop-up.


  • Bob updated information on Watkins Glen 

    • The Cameron Argetsinger banquet will be Friday, August 18th.

    • The 25th anniversary celebration will be on Saturday, September 30th.

    • The kick-off for funding of the new building will start soon

Next call is Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 8 PM Eastern Time.

Meeting adjourned at 9:38 Eastern Time.



April 2023 Board Meeting Minutes


February 2023 Board Meeting Minutes