SCCA Foundation Board of Directors
Thursday, February 16, 2023 8:00 PM Eastern Time


Directors: Jeff Jacobs (Chair), Arnie Coleman (Exec. Dir.), Raleigh Boreen, Jim Weidenbaum, Bob Eddy (Archives), Howard Duncan

Invited: Peter Schneider (BOD Liaison); Kristen Poole (SCCA, Comms); Jeff Dahnert (SCCA, Finance); Melanie Murray (TRSS Coordinator; Velma Boreen (Minutes), Mike Cobb

Meeting was called to order at 8:02 PM Eastern Time.

A motion was made by Bob to approve the December meeting minutes, seconded by Raleigh. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Bob to approve the January meeting minutes, seconded by Raleigh. Motion passed.

The minutes for these two months will be sent to Rachel to post on the SCCA Foundation website.


Jeff Dahnert reviewed the financial report, ending 12-31-22

  • Funds from the Test and Tune at Solo Nationals has now been included

  • Payments to Regions hosting Tire Rack Street Survival events in 2022 have been paid

    • Still waiting for reimbursement from BMW. That will be addressed with BMW.

  • Bob requested that the $15,000 payment be sent to the IMRRC for their first payment in 2023.  Jeff Jacobs will request this from Jeff Dahnert.

  • VETMotorsports will do a better job tracking their funds

    Motion was made by Jim, seconded by Bob to approve the financial report. Motion passed.


  • The SCCA Board of Directors approved Howard’s nomination to the Foundation board at their last meeting.

  • Jeff asked if there were any questions/concerns on the 2023 budget. A motion was made by Bob, seconded by Howard to pass the 2023 SCCA Foundation budget. Motion passed.

  • Reviews from the National Convention are in and good comments were made about the Foundation presentations.

  • The Foundation has been working with outside counsel (Spencer Fane) regarding legal advice on the Foundation’s donations policy and program descriptions. The committee needs to be aware of how these donations are being used and communicate with the donors. Grants need to be either a charitable grant or for educational purposes. Jeff asked that the committee review this draft prior to the March meeting and have further discussion at that time.

    • Guidelines will be posted on the SCCA Foundation website once finalized.


2022-23 Sweepstakes Prize Update

  • Skip Barber 3-Day Racing School sweepstakes winner is Lorraine Kennedy of Pueblo, Co.  Jim will contact Lorraine regarding this prize, as she needs to claim by the prize by 2-28-23.

  • Hendricks Motorsports NASCAR Package

    • Bob is continuing to make progress on this package.

    • This would have a spring/summer launch

    • Bob has a call scheduled for 2-21 with Jeff Gordon to finalize several items in the prize package. 

    • The start date on this package will be the beginning of April

Legacy Giving

  • There will be an article in the next SportsCar about legacy giving and how members can get involved. Jeff will forward information to the committee before the next meeting.



  • Jim will continue to get stories for the website and SportsCar

  • Jim would like to see stories added to the website regarding all of our programs

    • “Bringing the IMRRC Archives to Life”

    • How the various programs have evolved in the last 80 years


  • Melanie has attended the Divisional meetings that have taken place so far this year and has had good reception to the program

    • 14 schools are on the schedule for 2023

    • 3 Regions are working on getting a school date set

  • Melanie has a list of all RE’s and will be contacting each one of the individually 

  • She is working with Abby Scherr to be included on the Zoom meetings that Abby has every quarter with the Regions.


  • The IMRRC has mentioned to Bob that they may start charging to look up information in the archives.

    • They don’t have a clear-cut answer on exactly who is asking for information – SCCA members or non-SCCA members?  They need to capture data that they are being asked to look up.

    • They will track how long the workers spend looking up information for people

    • Bob feels that the IMRRC should not charge SCCA members for information.

  • Bob has requested that the first payment of $15,000 for 2023 be made to the IMRRC.


The Wendi Allen Scholarship Fund applications have been passed along to the WASF committee.

  • Jennifer Merideth is the chair for that committee and they will be working to get the 3 women chosen soon.  

  • Women in History Month

    • This March, women in SCCA will again be highlighted on the SCCA website.  We have a list of 36 women to highlight.

  • Time Trials Scholarship

    • WoT now has a committee of four women to work on Time Trials and giving scholarships for two women to attend Time Trial Nationals in October.  In addition to these four women, John Hunter will be our “eyes” at Time Trial events and inform us of any women that he feels would benefit from a scholarship to the Time Trial Nationals.


This topic was covered in the Legal Counsel portion of the meeting.

VETMotorsports and FORMULA SAE

  • Raleigh has been in touch with Peter Cline and let him know that less funds would be available for 2023.

  • Two Formula SAE events on the calendar for 2023.  

    • Waiting to hear from Formula SAE on exactly what they need from SCCA and also what SCCA is able to supply

    • Raleigh is working with two professors regarding the Carroll Smith Mentor Cup to be given.


  • Arnie will be working to develop a Foundation Operations Manual

    • A narrow focus group initially to include Arnie, Peter and Jim.

    • Kristen mentioned that the newest SCCA Operations Manual is available on the website for any guidance they may need.

  • Raleigh brought up the request that the Foundation received last year from one of the Divisions to help with funding their Divisional meeting.  Is it time to rethink this request for the future?  


  • Mike Cobb let us know that 2023 is off to a great start with Divisional meetings and a successful virtual National convention. Membership numbers are up as well.

Next call is Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 8 PM Eastern Time.

Meeting adjourned at 9:32 Eastern Time.



March 2023 Board Meeting Minutes


January 2023 Board Meeting Minutes