SCCA Foundation Board of Directors
Thursday, 8-15-24 8:00 PM Eastern Time


Directors: Jeff Jacobs (Chair); Arnie Coleman (Exec. Dir.); Raleigh Boreen, Jim Weidenbaum, Howard Duncan, Tere Pulliam, Bob Eddy

Invited: Kristen Poole (SCCA Marketing); David Vodden (BOD Liaison); Melanie Murray (TRSS); Velma Boreen (Minutes)

Meeting was called to order by Jeff at 6:34 PM Eastern Time.

A motion was made by Bob, seconded by Raleigh to approve the July meeting minutes. Motion passed. The minutes for July will be forwarded to Rachel to post on the SCCA Foundation website.


June financials were sent to committee members for their review.

Suggestion has been made to keep the funds in the account where they are currently.


Tire Rack Street Survival - Melanie and Howard

Four schools were held/are being held in August

Fifteen schools are scheduled for later this year

  • San Francisco Region cancelled their school on the Friday prior to the event due to site owner issue with insurance certificate.

  • David Vodden indicated that Thunder Hill has been a great site for holding TRSS. SFR may want to look into that location.

Fifteen schools have been completed and audits have been done for all but one of them.

Still have not heard from BMW regarding a meeting

  • Need to discuss how to get supplies to schools and to make sure that the material being used is current.

Executive Committee

Welcome to new SCCA BD Liaison David Vodden. Our thanks to Peter Schneider for his prior service as liaison.

Weekly calls with Kristen Poole continue

There will be SCCA Foundation material in every championship event registration packet. It will inform members about the Foundation’s programs and also promote the current sweepstakes.

August Donor e-mail is ready for distribution.

  • August newsletter will cover Region Development Grants.

  • September newsletter will feature WOT.

  • October newsletter will feature SCCA Archives.

The panels that will be used at Solo Nationals, the Runoffs and possibly RallyCross Nationals have arrived at SCCA and will be available for those championship events. Arnie asked that if any board members are present at those events and can help work the booth, that would be appreciated.

Fundraising Committee

Jeff shared the donations report for June.

Monaco GP Sweepstakes has had great success so far. 

  • Marketing efforts are continuing. Sweepstakes closes November 30th.

  • There are plans for another Flash Sale


Article on TRSS on the SCCA website and the Foundation’s Facebook Page.

Future articles include:

  • Overview of Foundation’s most successful sweepstakes

  • Longest-standing member of SCCA Foundation

  • Interview with Foundation Chairman

Legacy Stories, compliant with Generative AI story building, temporarily on hold

  • Will work with the new IMRRC archivist, Joe Schill, on potential of linking to their scanned images, documents and historical files

  • Linda Santangelo to follow-up with Regions responding to survey asking for Region contacts.


IMRRC has hired Joe Schilling, Senior Archivist and he will begin the end of September. 

A motion was made by Bob, seconded by Howard to order 250 Archive Boxes at a cost of $2800.00 for the IMRRC. Motion passed.

The IMRRC also requested funds to cover wages for two additional personnel to organize and categorize media tapes. They are requesting $500-$600. This project would be the beginning of separating out the various events that SCCA has held.

  • A motion was made by Bob, seconded by Howard, to send an additional $600 to the IMRRC. Motion passed.

  • Need to take a look at the current agreement that SCCA has with the IMRRC and get the financial requests in during budget season rather than on an “as and when needed basis”

Waiting for additional information from Ben Gibson.

Currently we have a van load of material to go to the IMRRC from Washington DC.

  • §  Looking for members who would be able to help out with this transfer of materials.

Received a thank you from Richard Childress for being present at the Argetsinger Award banquet in 2023.

Continue to work with Regions on how to donate to the Archives.

Women on Track

The Women on Track committees continue with their monthly Zoom calls

Solo is ready for Nationals and has swag to hand out.

  • Emily has created a flyer to put with the handouts as well.

Sam Steelman has joined the committee as the new RallyCross Chair and is working on recruiting members for that committee.

Road Rally chair has been put on hold for now.

Time Trials will be having a meeting in August.

A Roles and Responsibility document is being worked on so chair understand the expectations of the position.

Scholarship programs for 2025 will be review as there may need to be some adjustments made to add or remove programs.

Region Development Grants

No grant requests have been submitted for the third quarter

  • Work continues on how the grant request needs to be filled out

VETMotorsports / Formula SAE / Museum of American Speed, Lincoln

No changes since last month. Still working on doing something around Veterans Day. Nothing formalized yet

Waiting to see 2025 calendar and help they may ask from SCCA.

Museum of America Speed in Lincoln
Dates are being finalized for delivering the next set of vehicles to MAS.

  • The tentative plan is to deliver them by the end of October.

The IMRRC is helping with videos and pictures.

The new display on SCCA, The Runoffs and Road Racing in America will be ready for viewing in December of 2024. This display will be in place for 24 months.

  • A video on the display will be available so that is can be used during the SCCA virtual convention in 2025.

Old Business

New Business

Need to think about funds if sweepstakes continue to be as successful as the current one has been.

  • Best way to use the funds? IMRRC is one of our biggest programs that we contribute to .

Meeting adjourned at 7:29 PM Eastern Time.

Next meeting will be September 19, 2024 at 8 PM ET.



July 2024 Board Meeting Minutes