SCCA Foundation Board of Directors
Thursday, 7-18-24 8:00 PM Eastern Time


Directors: Jeff Jacobs (Chair); Arnie Coleman (Exec. Dir.); Raleigh Boreen, Jim Weidenbaum, Howard Duncan, Tere Pulliam

Invited: Kristen Poole (SCCA Marketing); Jeff Dahnert (SCCA, Finance); Peter Schneider (BOD Liaison); Melanie Murray (TRSS); Velma Boreen (Minutes)

Meeting was called to order by Jeff at 8:00 PM Eastern Time.

A motion was made by Raleigh, seconded by Howard to approve the June meeting minutes. Motion passed. The minutes for June will be forwarded to Rachel to post on the SCCA Foundation website.


Unable to give a financial report for the end of June but will forward to the board in the next week or so.

990 EZ form was used to file taxes

  • Guidestar is a company that can see all 990 forms submitted

TapKat is currently being used for our raffles so Jeff will make that correction when he submits in 2025.


Tire Rack Street Survival - Melanie and Howard

Three schools were held/are being held in July

Nineteen schools are scheduled for later this year

Question on how to handle no shows at schools

  • If a student is a no show for a school, hasn’t rescheduled at another school in the future, their entry is forfeited

BMW is working on content for the schools and what needs to change

Howard is working on how to increase event participation and reaching out to potential students

  • The cap is automatically set at 24 students per school with the ability to adjust that total.

    • Tim Beechuk can change the cap

    • This requested change is Region dependent on their capabilities

  • Potential meeting with BMW and Howard in early August

Executive Committee

Weekly calls with Kristen Poole continue

Donor Email Initiative

  • July Donor email is ready for distribution, featuring the SCCA Archives. The August newsletter will cover Region Development Grants.

Fundraising Committee

Jeff shared the donations report for June.

  • Compared to June 2023, the average dollar amount for donations was up.

Monaco GP Sweepstakes has launched. 

  • Marketing efforts are continuing.

    • SCCA member emails and web page announcements will be handled by the SCCA Marketing staff

    • Working with IMRRC and the marketing firm that they use (SALT) for the Corvette sweepstakes. Will just target the SCCA Foundations’ donor list and past sweepstakes subscriber list.

    • Sweepstakes closes November 30, 2024.


Jim is waiting for a reply on the Skip Barber experience. He also has three other articles for the website.


IMRRC has a new candidate for the archivist position and they may be making a new hire very soon.

Bob received documents from Bob Crawford and will deliver to the IMRRC in September.

DVD disc machine will be delivered to Rick and Joe

Waiting for additional information from Ben Dixon

Currently in a holding pattern with San Francisco Region on what will be going to the IMRRC.

  • Quite a bit of sorting and separating needs to take place before a decision is made on what goes to Watkins Glen

Meeting scheduled with Joe and Rick at IMRRC on September 12th.

Meeting scheduled with Mark and John Saunders on September 13th.

Women on Track

The Women on Track committees continue with their monthly Zoom calls

Discussed a fourth quarter sweepstakes award

  • Tere will let them know that individual sweepstakes prizes are not needed for the Women On Track program

Discussed promo items for the balance of the Championship events

  • Solo Nationals, The Runoffs, Time Trial Nationals, RallyCross Nationals/

    • Velma has been in contact with Kelsey Karanges and discussed how many cooler bags are left and the possibility of ordering more wine glasses.

Andie and Emily working on WOT Webpage updated.

Regional development discussed on how to get more women involved with SCCA.

RoadRally, Runoffs and RallyCross Scholarships extended to July 30th

  • Time Trial scholarship has been determined.

Plans for the balance of the year at Championship events

  • Runoffs Block Party TBD

  • Working on door prizes for Runoffs

  • RoadRally and RallyCross chair seats need to be filled

  • Solo Nats – Nationals Brunch

  • Time Trials – scholarship has been awarded

  • Is it time to think about getting Hillclimb involved

As a whole, WOT needs to leverage lee Grimes and all sub-committee members connections for swag/donations to offer door prizes at events.

Velma asked for information on the company that can help with safety equipment at the Time Trial Nationals. is the company and she will pass this information along to this year’s TT Nats scholarship recipient.

Region Development Grants

No grant requests have been submitted for the third quarter

  • Raleigh is working with Abby on filling out the grant form correctly.

VETMotorsports / Formula SAE / Museum of American Speed, Lincoln

VETMotorsports has not requested any financial help from the SCCA Foundation.

  • They have purchased SCCA memberships

  • They continue to participate in track experiences for 2024.

  • Working on a special event in the fall around Veterans Day.

Both events for 2024 have been completed. 

  • SCCA, Inc. supplied a trailer for both competitions. Talk continues with FSAE personnel regarding the participation of SCCA at future events. SCCA has a very mixed participation at these two events.

Museum of America Speed in Lincoln
Dates are being finalized for delivering the next set of vehicles to MAS and the current Solo cars back to their rightful owners.

The new display on SCCA, The Runoffs and Road Racing in America will be ready for viewing in December of 2024. This display will be in place for 24 months.

  • Four cars will be in this display

  • Howard and Mark Weber are working on the Runoffs history.

  • Raleigh and Clay Turner have submitted the verbiage for the panels to Kristen and her group.

  • Bob Eddy is finalizing information on the cars.

Old Business

Velma asked about the progress on an operations manual.  Nothing to report yet.

Discussed the need to have a Foundation booth at the Runoffs and Solo Nationals.

  • Arnie will need volunteers to help at these events.

New Business

No new business.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM Eastern Time.

Next meeting will be August 15, 2024 at 8 PM ET.



August 2024 Board Meeting Minutes


June 2024 Board Meeting Minutes