SCCA Foundation Board of Directors
Thursday, 6-20-24 8:00 PM Eastern Time


Directors: Jeff Jacobs (Chair); Arnie Coleman (Exec. Dir.); Raleigh Boreen, Jim Weidenbaum, Howard Duncan, Bob Eddy

Invited: Kristen Poole (SCCA Marketing); Jeff Dahnert (SCCA, Finance); Melanie Murray (TRSS); Velma Boreen (Minutes)

Meeting was called to order by Jeff at 8:02 PM Eastern Time.

A motion was made by Raleigh, seconded by Bob to approve the May meeting minutes. Motion passed. The minutes for May will be forwarded to Rachel to post on the SCCA Foundation website.


Financially, the Foundation is in good shape.

  • Statements have been sent out

  • Cash and investments are good

  • Fundraising costs include awards and administrative costs

    • End of each campaign, committee would like to see the +/- on these funds

  • 990 EZ was completed and filed

  • $25,000 CD coming due

    • Can be renewed for 8-month CD at a higher rate

    • Motion was made by Bob, seconded by Raleigh to cash out CD. Motion passed.


Tire Rack Street Survival - Howard

Four schools were held in June

Nineteen schools are scheduled for later this year, with a pending school from South Bend at Tire Rack

Sponsor information

  • Liquid Moly is no longer a sponsor

  • FCP Euro sponsorship dropped from $300 to $200

  • Amica Insurance has joined as a national sponsor to replace Liquid Moly with $100.

  • Sponsorship funds are now at $1050

Melanie attended BMW meeting in South Carolina

  • She got lots of good information

  • Information sent to Regions needs to be updated.  Need to verify who is sending information to the Regions. Important to make sure that Regions are receiving the most up-to-date information.

The 2025 travel schedule and budget will be worked on in the next few months

  • BMW meeting

  • Divisional meetings

Executive Committee

Weekly calls with Kristen Poole continue

Donor Email Initiative

  • June Donor email was distributed on June 13th. The April newsletter featured WoT; June featured TRSS; July will feature SCCA Archives.

Fundraising Committee

Donations to the Foundation continue to be good

  • Jeff Dahnert has started a year-to-year comparison tracker.

Monaco GP Sweepstakes has launched. 

  • Marketing efforts are ramping up.

    • SCCA member emails and web page announcements will be handled by the SCCA Marketing staff

    • Working with IMRRC and the marketing firm that they used for the Corvette sweepstakes.

Silver Pendant sweepstakes completed.

  • Alfred Driscol of South Jersey Region and Philadelphia Region won the pendant. $905 was raised. Thanks again to Tere and Larry Pulliam.


Article posted on SCCA webpage and the Foundation’s FB page on Preserving SCCA’s Digital History, including highlight of Cheryl Babbe’s fundraising effort.

Working on July article featuring the longest-standing member of the SCCA Foundation.

Working with Rachel to build a library for Legacy Stories which will be compliant with Generative AI story building

  • Linda Santangelo working with Regions to get contact information

Will post a story on the silver pendant winner

Rachel needs a rolling 12-month donor list in XLS or CSV format to maintain donor recognition list.


Shelving was delivered to IMRRC but hasn’t been assembled.

Hotel reservations set for September 11-12 in Corning for IMRRC Banquet

Meeting scheduled with Joe and Rick at IMRRC on September 12th.

Meeting scheduled with Mark and John Saunders on September 13th.

Will be delivering another load of material to the IMRRC.

Still have not heard from Bob Crawford/Washington DC Region regarding the material the Region would like to donate to the IMRRC.

Still waiting to hear from San Francisco Region on their archives.

Follow-ups from the convention webinar are finished.

Decision was made that further conversation with Cheryl Babbe was not needed.

Women on Track

The Women on Track committees continue with their monthly Zoom calls

The Time Trials committee has chosen a winner for the Time Trial Nats scholarship. Jodie Boy from Indiana Northwest Region will be receiving that scholarship.

  • Arnie indicated that scholarships need to be open to all women – not just members of SCCA. The committees are aware of this requirement.

Region Development Grants

Second Quarter Grants have been received

  • South Jersey Region requested EV Safety Equipment

  • Colorado Region requested funds for educational marketing on Time Trials

  • Arnie wanted more information from each of the Region before the committee approves these grants. Raleigh has approved.  Bob will be getting back to Arnie with his answer.

VETMotorsports / Formula SAE / Museum of American Speed, Lincoln

According to Peter Cline, most of their energy has been for Track experiences in 2024. They have participated in several SCCA TNiA and Time Trial events. They have gotten involved with Enduros and Champ Car races. Two drivers have gone through the racing school in Texas for handicapped drivers. Working with Philadelphia Region on a potential Solo site. Also working with DC Region on upcoming Solos and special events aimed at military people.

So far, they have not requested any financial help from the Foundation.

Both events for 2024 have been completed. 

  • Internal combustion was in May with 128 teams.

  • Electric competition was in June with 68 teams.

  • SCCA, Inc. supplied a trailer for both competitions. Will be talking with the FSAE personnel regarding the participation of SCCA at future events. SCCA has a very mixed participation at these two events.

Museum of America Speed in Lincoln
Work continues on obtaining the cars to be on display in Lincoln beginning in October/November 2024 through October/November 2026.

Three vehicles have been confirmed with another two in the works

There will be 4-5 panels in this display, covering the 80th anniversary of SCCA, amateur Road Racing in America and the history of the Runoffs

  • Raleigh and Clay Turner are working on the verbiage for the panels

  • Howard and Mark Weber are working on the history of the Runoffs

Old Business

New Business

Discussed the need to have a Foundation booth at the Runoffs and Solo Nationals. 

  • Perhaps conduct a mini-sweepstakes during these two events?

  • Work with Derek at the Lincoln Convention and Visitors Bureau to help with gift cards at restaurants in Lincoln for giveaways during Solo Nationals

Discussed raffling a car and what marque should it be?

Meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM Eastern Time.

Next meeting will be July 18, 2024 at 8 PM ET.



July 2024 Board Meeting Minutes


May 2024 Board Meeting Minutes