SCCA Foundation Board of Directors
Thursday, August 25, 2022 7:30 PM Eastern Time


Directors: Jeff Jacobs (Chair), Arnie Coleman (Exec. Dir.), Carla Russo (Sec./Treas.), Raleigh Boreen, Bob Eddy, Jim Weidenbaum

Invited: Jeff Dahnert (SCCA,Finance), Kristen Poole (SCCA.Comms); Velma Boreen (Minutes)

Meeting was called to order at 7:39PM Eastern Time

Motion to approve the July minutes was motioned by Bob, 2nd by Raleigh. Motion passed to accept the July minutes. These will be sent to Rachel to post on the SCCA Foundation website. 


Jeff Dahnert submitted the financial report through the end of July:

  • Funds disbursed for several of the programs that the Foundation supports, including:

    • Tire Rack Street Survival, the SCCA Archives at the IMRRC, Learning Management System by SCCA, Inc.

  • Funding of the Howard Duncan ProSolo Green Light was discussed and tracking those balances to rebuild the initial kitty from Brian Conners.

  • The financial standing of the Foundation continues to be strong. Positive donor support through the SCCA member portal (donations added to membership renewals and event entries) is meeting the Foundation’s annual expense needs even without a recent sweepstakes fundraiser.

  • Jim made the motion, Raleigh seconded to approved the financial report. Motion passed. May was a break-even month


  • Motion was made by Bob, seconded by Carla to have Velma be the official Secretary on the Foundation Board. Motion passed.

  • Carla has announced she will be stepping off the Foundation Board at the end of 2022 after many years of service, including as Treasurer. She will remain on the executive committee until the end of 2022 to help with the 2023 budget and will be available in the future to help with the budget if needed.

    • The Executive Committee is working on identifying and having initial discussions with a number of people regarding serving on the Foundation board.

  • Loaner Helmet Program

    • Helmets should be arriving soon at SCCA in Topeka.


June 2022 Donations Report

  • 209 Donations totaling $4,892.26.

2022-23 Sweepstakes Prizes Update – we have several potential sweepstakes in the works:

  • Skip Barber 3-Day Racing School package, with a $6,500 value

  • 2023 Rolex 24 VIP Weekend package

    • Marketing would be coordinated between SCCA and IMSA. Launch Sweepstakes October 15, with the drawing by December 20. Race date is January 28-29. Working with Mike Cobb to see if this can work.

  • Hendricks Motorsports NASCAR Package

Legacy Giving Initiative

  • We continue to gather information on how the Foundation should be soliciting and managing legacy gifts (estate planning, retirement account distributions)



  • Working on getting Rachel (webmaster) to have access to donation management program so we can properly recognize donors on the website in addition to the individual acknowledgements they receive when the donation is made.

  • SportsCar article needs to be written regarding the meeting in Watkins Glen at the IMRRC. Progress made with the archives can be highlighted.


Scott Dobler has chosen to step down from his role with TRSS and the Foundation at the end of 2022. Arnie and Jeff are working with Heyward Wagner on the selection of a new TireRack Street Survival coordinator. The Board is grateful for the years of good work by Scott Dobler in this position.

  • There have been challenges with the BMWCCA Foundation. We have received no funds from them in 2022 and as a result, our Regions that have hosted schools have not been paid. All agreed that we, SCCA Foundation, need to go ahead and pay the Regions. Scott and Carla will work on getting a final accounting.

  • Jeff and Arnie to work with Bruce Smith and the rest of the BMWCCA Foundation to clarify what doesn’t seem to be working.


  • The latest batch of archive material from “801” has been delivered to the IMRRC.

    • Jeff, Bob, Arnie and Donna, Raleigh and Velma had the opportunity to see the work that is being done at the facility in Montour Falls.

      • Driver and membership files continue to be worked on

    • Met with Jennie Ambrose and Mark Steigerwald to discuss their needs for the balance of 2022 and into 2023.

      • More funds would mean that more work can be done by Joe and Rick – the SCCA Archive technicians

    • IMRRC is pursuing a new location on Main St. in Watkins Glen.

      • Working to use State and Federal grants

      • IMRRC will hold a capital campaign and fundraising for the new location and we expect the SCCA Foundation will have its own fundraising goal.

  • IMRRC banquet on Saturday was a success with Mike Helton being honored. The SCCA and SCCA Foundation received significant recognition for participating as one of the sponsors of the event and for our work enhancing the collection of materials at the IMRRC.


Tere was unable to be on the call so Velma brought the Foundation committee up to speed on what is happening with the various scholarships

  • Amanda Harris was chosen for the event at Pitt Race this upcoming weekend. She will be working with Dan Dennehy-Rodriguez and using his race car.

  • A brunch is planned for the Monday at Solo Nationals for all women that want to come.

  • Jennifer Schwartzott and her committee will have their choice for volunteer(s) to attend the Runoffs at VIR this year.

  • At least 2 women will receive scholarships for the RallyCross Nationals which takes place later in September.

  • The USRRC will have at least one team of women run that Rally in Michigan in October.

  • The plan is to do a summary report at the end of the championship season for all of the programs that Women on Track is involved with.


14 Regions have indicated an interest

  • 12 are what Arnie would consider “potentially valid requests” consistent at least with the spirit of the program as described

  • Need to make sure that the Regions are making the requests, not individual members looking for help to “build a race car”

  • All Regions also need to understand that this program is only possible because of donations to the Foundation, and that includes Regions and Divisions making donations when their budgets allow.

VETMotorsports and FORMULA SAE

  • Approved funding for SCCA Inc to send 2nd payment to VETMotorsports in support of their participation in SCCA events.

  • Formula FSAE

    • There is now a process in place for past winners of the Carroll Smith Cup and Foundation board member(s) to work together to determine future winners of the Cup.


SCCA Hall of Fame

  • There has been preliminary interest in the idea of establishing a permanent Hall of Fame display at the Museum of American Speed (MAS) in Lincoln. This will be explored further over the week of Nationals while in Lincoln.

SCCA Rotating Display at the Museum of American Speed.

  • 2023 will be the 50th running of the Solo Nationals. Currently, the plan is to have a display at MAS that would be there for 14-18 months, beginning in the spring of 2023 and running through at least the Solo Nationals of 2023. The IMRRC has been informed of these preliminary plans and were very receptive to helping MAS with any future displays or information that they may need.


  • Leaders of the program had a conversation with Arnie and Jeff about the ongoing relationship between VETM and SCCA Foundation, and how they might more effectively meet their goals in support of veterans through the SCCA.


  • GreenPower contacted the Foundation for help in reaching out to SCCA Regions for help with volunteer support at their local events. Jeff has requested that they provide a written request identifying where they need assistance. Jeff and Arnie will work together once GreenPower gets back to Jeff.


Convention and potential presentations were discussed.

  • Convention will be virtual again in 2023.

  • Plan to have a session about member legacy and the SCCA Foundation.

Next call is Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 8:00 PM Eastern Time. (moved to Oct 6)
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 Eastern Time.


Next call is Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 7:30 PM Eastern Time.

Motion to adjourn meeting made by Bob. Meeting adjourned at 9:21 PM Eastern Time



October 2022 Board Meeting Minutes


July 2022 Board Meeting Minutes